
United States Coast Guard Academy Introduction Mission

Sea Scouts may now apply to the AIM Program by applying to [email protected] no later than March 24, 2024. The AIM Program has prioritized up to 10 slots for Sea Scouts which requires an earlier application deadline than general applicants. Sea Scouts may apply for financial assistance directly from the US Coast Guard Academy (USCGA) since this is a US Coast Guard sponsored program.

Important Dates

FEB-24 MARCH : Submit online CGA AIM application to USCGA

FEB-24 MARCH: Submit Sea Scout applications to [email protected]

24 MARCH:  Sea Scout applications close

06 MAY: Selection decisions released

10 MAY-15 MAY: Session registration

31 MAY: Payment due

10 JUN: Deadline for tuition refund requests

15 JUN: Enrollment paperwork due

19 JUN: Deadline for covid-19 vaccine

AIM 2024: The AIM Program application season is open, and will run until March 24th. The USCG Academy will hold three 1-week in-person sessions and a two-day virtual program. Admissions | AIM Summer Program (uscga.edu) The Virtual program will be offered to selected students who are unable to attend in-person programming due to logistics or cost. This program will be offered free to students. The cost for the weeklong in-person session is $750.

AIM is exclusively for students about to begin their senior year of high school. To apply, students should be:

I. A U.S. citizen {dual citizenship is fine);

II. Between 16 and 18 years of age;

III. Unmarried, not pregnant, and have no legal obligations to support anyone including a child;

IV. Physically fit, in good health, with weight proportional to height; Of good moral character;

V. Academically successful with demonstrated leadership skill and achievement outside the classroom; and

VI. Covered by health insurance during the AIM session.

*All participants will be required to sign a Waiver of Liability and Assumption of Risk Agreement provided by the USCGA prior to attending and participating in any AIM events at the USCGA.

Sea Scouts will not use the USCGA or the USCGA AIM program to imply Federal, DoD, Homeland Security, or USCGA endorsement of Sea Scouts or its events.

The USCGA will retain final decision-making authority over applicants accepted into the AIM program. Anticipated sponsorship or endorsement of a candidate by Sea Scouts does not guarantee an applicant’s acceptance into the program.

Sea Scouts & USCGA desired outcome: Raise awareness for the AIM Program and identify highly qualified Sea Scouts who would benefit from this leadership development opportunity.

Pass the word and encourage our Scouts to apply today!

Sea Scout AIM Application